- (англ.), под Фэн.
Музыкальный словарь Римана. - Москва, Лейпциг. Г. Риман, Ю.Д. Энгель. 1904.
Музыкальный словарь Римана. - Москва, Лейпциг. Г. Риман, Ю.Д. Энгель. 1904.
Fancy — Manfred Alois Segieth (1988) Fancy bei einem Disco Auftritt (1988) Fancy (* 7. Juli … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fancy — Fan cy, a. 1. Adapted to please the fancy or taste, especially when of high quality or unusually appealing; ornamental; as, fancy goods; fancy clothes. [1913 Webster] 2. Extravagant; above real value. [1913 Webster] This anxiety never degenerated … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fancy — [fan′sē] n. pl. fancies [ME fantsy, contr. < fantasie: see FANTASY] 1. imagination, now esp. light, playful, or whimsical imagination 2. illusion or delusion 3. a mental image 4. an arbitrary idea; notion; caprice; whim 5. an … English World dictionary
Fancy — Fan cy (f[a^]n s[y^]), n.; pl. {Fancies}. [Contr. fr. fantasy, OF. fantasie, fantaisie, F. fantaisie, L. phantasia, fr. Gr. ???????? appearance, imagination, the power of perception and presentation in the mind, fr. ???????? to make visible, to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fancy — n 1 Caprice, freak, whim, whimsy, conceit, vagary, crotchet 2 imagination, fantasy Antonyms: experience 3 Fancy, fantasy, phantasy, phantasm, vision, dream, daydream, nightmare are comparable when they denote a vivid idea or image, or a series of … New Dictionary of Synonyms
fancy — ► VERB (fancies, fancied) 1) Brit. informal feel a desire for. 2) Brit. informal find sexually attractive. 3) regard as a likely winner. 4) imagine. 5) used to express surprise: fancy that! … English terms dictionary
fancy — [adj] extravagant, ornamental adorned, baroque, beautifying, chichi*, complicated, cushy, custom, decorated, decorative, deluxe, elaborate, elegant, embellished, fanciful, florid, frilly, froufrou*, garnished, gaudy, gingerbread*, intricate,… … New thesaurus
Fancy — Fan cy, v. t. 1. To form a conception of; to portray in the mind; to imagine. [1913 Webster] He whom I fancy, but can ne er express. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To have a fancy for; to like; to be pleased with, particularly on account of external… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fancy — [ fænsɪ; englisch, eigentlich »Fantasie«], 1) die, / s, Musik: Fantasy [ fæntəsɪ], die der Geschichte der musikalischen Fantasie zugehörige Hauptform der englischen Kammermusik von etwa 1575 bis 1680. Sie entwickelte sich aus dem… … Universal-Lexikon
Fancy — (engl., spr. Fänßi), Phantasie, daher Fancy Artikel, Modewaaren, verzierte Schmucksachen. Fancy Fair (spr. Fänßisähr), Ausstellung u. Verkauf von weiblichen Handarbeiten zu milden Zwecken … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Fancy — Fan cy, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Fancied}, p. pr. & vb. n. {Fancying}.] 1. To figure to one s self; to believe or imagine something without proof. [1913 Webster] If our search has reached no farther than simile and metaphor, we rather fancy than know … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English